RallyradostiA unique charity event
An exceptional concept and a truly generous intention - every year, great people and dozens of sports cars
gather here to raise money for children who really need it. Simply a unique mix of automotive experience
and often strong emotions. At the same time, a perfect example of the fact that there are still people who
have their heart in the right place.
Finally, it depends
Finally, it depends
on the results
Therefore, we were extremely pleased that we were able to contribute to the implementation of the entire
project with our truly. The result of such cooperation is a friendly, but at the same time professional-looking
website with a clear structure. And most importantly, with the opportunity to support the right thing :)
The priority was to attract the visitor right at the beginning. For that purpose, we decided to use
professionally edited background video. Another feature is the countdown to the beginning of the event.
Home page
Nobody likes long and lifeless text, so we focused only on what is necessary. No "sauces" around, just the
contents with maximum of informative value
The website includes an intuitive gallery that captures a selection of the best of recent years. For each
image, we thought about the author and the possibility of a comfortable download.
Mobile version
Due to the growing number of mobile devices, we paid the same attention to the mobile version. It was
preceded by an individual design, which may not be the rule nowadays.
In this case, the archive of articles was an essential part, where fans can follow the development of events
and the latest changes throughout the year before the event itself
PM architectsArchitectural studio
branding, web, advertising